"We accept it as normal that people who have never been on the land, who have no history or connection to the country, may legally secure the right to come in and by the very nature of their enterprises leave in their wake a cultural and physical landscape utterly transformed and desecrated.......We take this as a given for it is the foundation of our system, the way commerce extracts value and profit in a resource-driven economy. But if you think about it, especially from the perspective of so many other cultures, touched and inspired by quite different visions of life and land, it appears to be a very odd and highly anomalous human behavior."
-Wade Davis in The Wayfinders

Nov 12, 2008

Submitting An Opinion of the Romaine Complex

How to submit an opinion of the Romaine Complex-

The Bureau of Public Audiences in Quebec has a guideline for submitting opinions. It is outlined below from the BAPE website and can be e-mailed to romaine@bape.gouv.qc.ca They would prefer word or pdf attachments.

Title of Opinion (The Romaine Complex is not a feasible option for the Romaine River, for example)
Introduce yourself (my name is, I am a kayaker, river enthusiast, or representing....)

The memory will be made public and distributed at the hearing and on the BAPE website. Therefore it is important to use only personal information that could affect you and is relevant to the arguments in the opinion.

Provide your address and phone number on a separate page. This is how the BAPE can confirm the link between the opinion and its author. A memorandum sent without this information may not be considered. This info is on a separate page to ensure the author's confidentiality.

The submission must be prepared in compliance with the other participants. It does not include intentionally prejudice opinions that reflect on the dignity, honor, reputation, or privacy of individuals.

If the memory is large, it is suggested to accompany a one-page summary.

Some suggestions for writing the opinion are as follows-
Why are you interested in this project?
What influence does this have on the environment or your quality of life?
Is there a way to understand this project from both sides of the issues in your opinion? Why?
Is the proposed project the best solution that would have the least negative impacts on the environment, considering other alternatives? Why?
In your opinion, are there elements of this project which should be changed?
Which ones and how?
In your opinion, should this project be allowed? Why?
Do you have any other suggestions?

November 27th is the deadline for submitting opinions by e-mail. The hearing begins December 1st.
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